Vitamin C is still one of the most potent supplement and essential nutrients. It helps protect your body from oxidative damage, boosts immunity, fight infections and help heal the body.
Vitamin C is not made from your body and hence you should get it from outside sources. The minimum requirement for an Adult is 75milligrams to 90 milligrams. Any excess is only passed down the body.
It is always better to take your vitamins from Natural sources compared to synthetic ones. Synthetic vitamins contain compounds that are not naturally occurring for human bodies. [Global Healing]
What better way to take your Vitamin C which is naturally occurring from Rosehips. In one article it was stated that Rosehips contain 50% more Vitamin C than oranges. [Herb Wisdom]
Benefits of Rosehips
Recent studies show it has a promising level of good quality natural antioxidant protection. [1][2]. Another study shows the anti-inflammatory property of rose hips which can be used for treating diseases. [3]
Apart from Vitamin C, Rose hips show that its other constituents is a potent antioxidant and scavenges for free radicals. [4] Rose hips are also a good source of flavonoids, ellagic acid, lycopene and vitamin E.
This is why Rose hips have been used for generations to boost the immune system.
Rose hips helps fight skin aging. It helps cell longevity by working on cell membranes of stored erythrocyte cells. Taking rose hips can lead to a significant decrease in skin wrinkles. It can also help increase skin moisture content and elasticity[5]
May help with Fat Loss
Several studies shows that daily intake of rose hips helps prevent weight gain and exhibits anti obesity. [6][7] Another study even led to visible visceral fat reduction in the abdominal areas of pre-obese people. [8]. This is attributed to tiliroside, which can increase fat metabolism as well as enhancement of fatty acid oxidation in the liver and skeletal muscle..
May help with arthritis problems
Rose hips has also several studies around osteoarthritis as it helps manage pain and stiffness. [9][10]. This maybe attributed to its anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties. [11]